Project Introduction

M Beth Family Foundation LLC is an Adult and Child Developmental Homes Agency contracted with the Arizona Department of Economic Security with the Division of Developmental Disability.

They offer the following services within their Developmental Homes:

  • Respite Care
  • Attendant Care
  • Habilitation Services
  • Room & Board Services

Their primary goal is to ensure that members with diverse disabilities are Safe, Supported, and Empowered to achieve their greatest potential. They also embrace Cultural Diversity within the several local Communities in Arizona.


Web Design


SEO, UI/UX Design


M Foundation Beth –

Our Solution

We developed a new website that was user-friendly and helped members to access accurate and up-to-date information. It also supposed to enable practitioners and health care workers to easily apply for jobs.

The Result

Their expertise led to valuable UX, clear navigation and functionality, and ease for my team to be able to design pages and manage content updates after launch.

We carefully planned a fully responsive WordPress site that was responsive, communicated their role as assigned by the Government of Arizona, and allowed members access and apply for job opportunities seamlessly.

We also developed a content marketing strategy, which included creating articles, infographics, and informative articles designed to inform all adults and children living with disabilities of the foundation’s primary goal for existence – to ensure that members with diverse disabilities are Safe, Supported, and Empowered to achieve their greatest potential.